Chairman of PMSC 2013
Chairman of SEDM CC & PMSC
Gioacchino Alfano
Gioacchino Alfano was born in Sant’Antonio Abate (Naples), July 12, 1963. He is married and has four children and one granddaughter.
He holds a degree in Business Management from the University of Naples and is a Professional Accountant; Auditor; Technical consultant to the City of Torre Annunziata (Naples) Court; Labor Counselor, and Trustee in Bankruptcy proceedings.
His professional experience includes:
-External auditor of accounts for several local government agencies of the Campania Region;
-Member of the Commission overseeing the fulfillment of the provisions of Law 142/1990, established by the Order of Professional Accountants and by the College of Auditors;
-First Master Degree for auditing local agencies;
-Sole auditor of the “Enrico De Nicola” Law Practice Foundation of Torre Annunziata (Naples);
President of the Board of Auditors of the Anastis-Resurrection and Development Auditors Association (a non profit organization) of Cassino (Frosinone Province).
Currently, he is a member of parliament in the Popolo delle Liberta` (PDL) political group.
He entered politics in 1995 as Mayor of the City of Sant’Antonio Abate and held that office for ten years.
He has also held the following positions:
-Alderman for the Union of Municipalities of the Lattari Mountains from 2001 to 2005;
-Member of the Italian Parliament during the 14th Legislature – President of the Commitee for underused areas of the Budget Commission;
-Member of Parliament during the 15th Legislature – Group Chief of the Commission on Finance;
-Member of Parliament during the 16th Legislature – Group Chief of the Budget Commission;
-Member of Parliament during 17th Legislature.
Since May 3rd 2013 he has been the State Under Secretary to the Ministry of Defence.
Currently, he is also:
-Honorary President of the “Naples in Milan” Association;
-Member of the board of directors of the italian Association of Cities (ANCI) for Campania Region since 1996;
-Honorary Vice President of the Italian Association of Policemen;
-Co-editor of the police magazine “We Citizens for Security”;
-Free lance journalist;
-President of the national soccer team of Parliament members;
-Member of the directive council of the Popolo delle Libertà (PDL) parliamentary group in the Chamber of Deputies;
-Co-promoter of the parliamentary intergroup for subsidization.
He has authored the book “A Mission in Camber of Deputies” (3 reprints).