Evaluation Visit to Na-2 SEEBRIG Affiliated Units, 27-30 September 2021
A SEEBRIG HQ Evaluation Team, led by the Commander, Brigadier General Aristeidis Iliopoulos, conducted an evaluation visit to Na-2 SEEBRIG affiliated units from 27 to 30 of September 2021, according to SEEBRIG HQ Annual Plan for 2021.
On 28th of September 2021, Transportation Platoon, located in Plovdiv, was evaluated by SEEBRIG HQ Evaluation Team. First, the Commander of 110th Logistical Regiment together with the Transport Battalion Commander and the Platoon Leader welcomed the delegation and presented the unit briefing. Then, the Transportation Platoon conducted a practical demonstration of its capabilities relevant to PSO.
On the same day, the SEEBRIG HQ Evaluation Team continued its evaluation activity with the affiliated Engineer Company, part of 91st Engıneer General Support Battalıon, in the same garrison, Plovdiv. The Commander of the Battalion welcomed the SEEBRIG HQ team at Battalion’s HQ. The Company Commander presented a briefing about the organization, personnel, equipment, logistics and communication of his unit. After the briefing, the personnel and equipment of the Engineer Company were inspected and performed a dynamic demonstration of their capabilities on the training field. The equipment and the vehicles were checked on site.
On the next day, 29th of September 2021, the SEEBRIG HQ Evaluation Team moved to Stara Zagora garrison in order to pay an office call with 2nd Mechanized Brigade Commander, Brigadier General Stoyan Shopov and then evaluate the 38th Mechanized Battalion. The Battalion Commander briefed SEEBRIG HQ representatives about capabilities of his unit. Afterwards, the Mechanized Infantry Battalion executed a mini exercise based on a scenario with focus on Peace Support and Humanitarian Assistance Operations.
Later during the day, the SEEBRIG HQ Evaluation Team evaluated the Engineer Platoon, part of the Force Protection Battalion, from the 2nd Mechanized Brigade and, also, affiliated to SEEBRIG. Following the Platoon Leader briefing about its personnel, equipment and caspabilities of the platoon, the team reviewed their soldiers and vehicles.
On 30th of September 2021, SEEBRIG Commander, Chief of Staff and Chief Plans conducted an official visit to Nation 2 Land Forces Command, where they met the Deputy Commander, Brigadier General Ivan Karaivanov. During the meeting were emphasized once again the importance of cooperation, the role of SEEBRIG and the good neighbourly relations.
The evaluation visit was an opportunity for SEEBRIG HQ leadership and staff to familiarize themselves with the capabilities, training standards, facilities, equipment and weaponry systems of affiliated units from Na-2 and to strengthen the relationship with their personnel and key leaders.