South-Eastern Europe Brigade (SEEBRIG) - formation established by seven participating nations in order to contribute to the regional security and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area

Official ceremony for 25th SEEBRIG Anniversary, 3rd of September, Kumanovo

On September 3rd, 2024, the camp BORO MENKOV, the proud home of SEEBRIG HQ since 2020, transformed into a grand stage for the 25th Anniversary celebration of SEEBRIG.
Twenty-five years ago, SEEBRIG was founded on the principles of cooperation, mutual respect, and a shared commitment to defending the values that bind us. This milestone marks a quarter of a century dedicated to fostering regional security, promoting peace, and strengthening alliances across borders.
Appreciating the irreplaceable role of military personnel for strong connections between SEEBRIG and contributing countries, the minister of Defense of the Republic of North Macedonia, Mr. Misajlovski said, “Working for SEEBRIG and at the same time serving your countries and our citizens, you only confirmed the commitment of all member countries to the initiative that brought cooperation, brought dialogue and enabled the creation of an environment in which there is mutual solidarity and support between countries”. Then he added, “The 25th anniversary is not only a time to pay respect and celebrate successes, but also an opportunity to approach all challenges with readiness and determination”.

The Chairperson of South-Eastern of Defense Ministers (SEDM) process Ms. Cojocaru in her remarks, among others, emphasized the role and the achievements of SEEBRIG. “Today celebrating it’s 25th anniversary, the
progress of the South-Eastern Europe Brigade (SEEBRIG), the operational pillar of SEDM, is a tangible proof of the commitment of the SEDM nations,” said Ms. Cojocaru. And then she continued, “By contributing to regional stability and consolidating cooperation in the conduct of Peace Support, Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief
Operations, SEEBRIG serves to show that results that can be achieved through the cooperation of the countries in South-Eastern Europe and beyond. And we need to do more!”.

SEEBRIG Commander, BG. Bitri, in his remarks, seeing diversity as a strength, said, “Since its inception, SEEBRIG has become a beacon of unity, bringing together professional militaries from nations with diverse backgrounds, cultures, and histories but united by common shared values and a common purpose: to promote military cooperation, to ensure the safety and security of our people and to contribute to peace and stability in the region and beyond. World has changed, noted BG.Bitri and since in February 2022 with Russian aggression against Ukraine has taken a sharper turn for the worse. Adaptation at the speed of relevance, emphasized BG. Bitri, is the only good answer. Change is happening fast”.

Beside Minster Mr. Vlado Misajlovski and Chairperson Ms. Simona Cojocaru, ceremony was also honored by the presence of CHOD of the Republic of North Macedonia and distinguished guests from the SEDM community, including Deputy Defense Ministers, Deputy Chiefs of Defense, ambassadors, military attaches, and key figures from regional security organizations.

Presence of the teams from affiliated units from six contributing nations and former SEEBRIG Commanders made the ceremony even more memorable. One of the highlights of the ceremony was recognition of contribution of former SEEBRIG Commanders and currently serving personnel by SEDM Chairperson and SEEBRIG Commander.
Emblems of Honor of the Romanian Army was presented to former SEEBRIG commanders LGEN Virgil BALACEANU, MG Tudorica PETRACHE, MG Aristeidis ILIOPOULOS, and BG Zdravko POPOVSKI, along with special memorabilia, while current SEEBRIG personnel received medals of appreciation and accomplishment medals. The ceremony concluded with an impressive rifle platoon exhibition by the host nation’s Army, a grand parade led by COMSEEBRIG, and a family photo with all distinguished guests, followed by a showcase of SEEBRIG’s 25-year journey through a captivating photo exhibit.