South-Eastern Europe Brigade (SEEBRIG) - formation established by seven participating nations in order to contribute to the regional security and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area

Evaluation visit to Na-6 SEEBRIG affiliated units, 18 – 19 June 2024

Between 18 and 19 June 2024, a SEEBRIG HQ Evaluation Team, led by the COMSEEBRIG, BG Bilbil BITRI, conducted an evaluation visit to Na-6 SEEBRIG affiliated units.

On the 18th of June 2024, SEEBRIG HQ Evaluation Team traveled to Babadag Training Area where they had the chance to watch the 341st Infantry Battalion performing their specific actions in accordance with SEEBRIG mission. Upon the arrival of the team in the area, the Battalion Commander Coy briefed the evaluation team about the organization, personnel, main equipment, logistics and communications means, the level of training, the participation in various PSO exercises and operational status of the Battalion. Then the evaluation team visited the other affiliated units Engineer and Reconnaissance Company Commanders and the Transportation Platoon. After a brief equipment inspection, the evaluatıon team was directed to the exercise area were the battalion, together with the other affiliated units, presented a field exercise, in which its personnel put in practice all the procedures stated in SEEBRIG SOPs. Specific to this exercise was the integration of a Romanian Gendarmerie’s intervention team, specialized in kinetic actions and hostage rescue, that blend effortlessly within the scenario and acted harmoniously in close coordination with the Special Forces and the other military elements included in the exercise.

Next day, the COMSEEBRIG visited the Na-6 Land Forces Command, where he had an office call with the head of Land Operational Command, BG Gabriel TURCULET. During the meeting, COMSEEBRIG expressed his appreciation to Na-6 and Land Forces authorities for the readiness of Na-6 units affiliated to SEEBRIG, being fully confident on their capability to fulfil the mission. BG Gabriel TURCULET assured Land Forces support in in keeping the same level of readiness of the Na-6 affiliated units and, also, for SEEBRIG’s future endeavors.

The evaluation visit was an opportunity for SEEBRIG HQ leadership and staff to familiarize themselves with the capabilities, training standards, facilities, equipment and weapon systems of affiliated units from Na-6 and to strengthen the relationship with their personnel and leaders.