South-Eastern Europe Brigade ‘SEEBRIG’
In accordance with MPFSEE Agreement, the South-Eastern Europe Brigade (SEEBRIG) was established and activated by seven participating Nations, on 31st of August 1999 in Plovdiv, Na-2 and was then hosted in Constanta, Na-6, then in Istanbul, Na-7, then in Tyrnavos/Larissa, Na-3 and is currently located in Camp Boro Menkov, Kumanovo, Na-5.
The current structure of the MPFSEE is a brigade-sized force of about 5000 troops and is known as South-Eastern Europe Brigade (SEEBRIG).
Units allocated to the SEEBRIG will remain at their permanent home base locations and will be committed under a task force principle for exercises and operations upon the decisions of the participating Nations and appropriate joint direction and coordination of the “Politico-Military Steering Committee (PMSC)”.
In accordance of the provisions of the Agreement :
The Brigade will be declared to UN and OSCE. It will be available, commensurate with its capabilities, for employment in conflict prevention and in other peace support operations, including peace-keeping, peace-making, peace-building and humanitarian operations.
The force will be available for possible employment in UN or OSCE-mandated NATO-led or EU-led conflict prevention and other peace support operations. It could also participate in “coalition of the willing” type international initiatives. The Force will also function “within the sprit” of PfP.