South-Eastern Europe Brigade (SEEBRIG) - formation established by seven participating nations in order to contribute to the regional security and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area

Chairman of PMSC between 2013 – 2014

Chairman of SEDM CC & PMSC (2013 – 2014)

Sebastian Huluban

Personal Data:

  • Date of Birth: June 27th, 1974
  • Place of Birth: Aghireşu, jud. Cluj
  • Nationality: Romanian
  • Marital status: Married, one child


  • 2012 – PhD in History – Department of History, University of Bucharest
  • 2002 – Master of Arts in Political Science – College of Sciences, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL, USA
  • 2001 – Master of Arts in Politics and Political Economy – Political Science Department, Central European University, Budapest
  • 1996 – B.A. (Licenta) in Political Science – Department of Political Science and Administration, „Babeş – Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca
  • 1992 – „Emil Racoviţă” National College (mathematics/physics), Cluj-Napoca.

Professional Training:

  • 2008 – Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Course – European Defence Agency, Brussels
  • 2008 – Black Sea Security Program – John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard, Cambridge, MA, USA
  • 2005 – New Issues in Security Course (NISC) – Geneva Center for Security Policy (GCSP), Switzerland
  • 2004 – European Studies – University of Birmingham, European Research Institute, U.K.
  • 2003 – Defence Management – Royal Military College of Sciences and Cranfield University, U.K.
  • 1996 – 1997 (oct.-apr.) – „Gheorghe Lazăr” Military Institute, Sibiu (res. 2nd lieutenant).

Professional Experience

  • 2012 (May) – 2012 – State Secretary for Defence Policy and Planning
  • 2011-2012 – Editorial Ltd. Bucharest – Management Consultant
  • 2006-2011 – Ministry of Defence – Departament for Defence Policy and Planning – Head of Unit (NATO Policies, Pol-Mil. Assessments)
  • 2002- 2006 – Ministry of National Defence – Departament for Defence Policy and Planning – Expert (2002-2004, 2005-2006); Adviser to the State Secretary (2004-2005)
  • 1998-2002 – University of Oradea – Department of Law – Junior Lecturer
  • 1997-1998 – Romanian Parliament –Romanian Parliament/The Senate – Head of Senator’s District Office, Oradea.

Other Activities (selection)

  • 2004-2007 – University of Bucharest, Department of Philosophy – Associate Assistant and Lecturer
  • 2002-2004 – NATO Studies Centre, Bucharest – Visiting Lecturer
  • 2001-2002 – Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Ill., SUA – Graduate Assistant – Political Science Department.

Distinctions and Grants (selected)

  • “Faithful Service National Order” – Knight/ Civil Division, 2012
  • Honour emblem of the Naval Forces, 2012
  • Distinction Graduate – University of Birmingham, European Research Institute, 2004
  • Outstanding International Student Award Political Science – Eastern Illinois University, 2002
  • Swiss Government Scholarship – GCSP / NISC, 2005
  • Chevening Fellowship – UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2004

Foreign Languages:

  • English – fluent;
  • Finnish – basic;
  • French – basic;
  • Swedish – beginner;




  • 2013 (in work) – Imperii, frontiere si loialităţi: Românii între supranaţional şi naţional, 1848-1918.
  • 2009 – Corporatism and Security Sector Reform: Brazil and Romania in Comparative Perspective, Saarbrucken, ISBN: 978-3-639-15054-4.

Books translated in Romanian language:

  • 2010, George Tenet, În mijlocul furtunii: anii mei la CIA/ At the Center of the Storm : My Years at the CIA,  Bucharest, Scripta, 508 pages, ISBN: 973-8238-37-4;
  • 2007, Robert Cooper, Destrămarea naţiunilor: ordine si haos în secolul XXI / The Breaking of Nations: Order and Chaos in the Twenty – First Century, Bucharest, Univers Enciclopedic, 201 pages. ISBN: 978-973-637-146-2; 973-637-146-8.

Book Chapters (selected):

  • 2007, „Efficient Resource Allocationin Intelligence and Human Rights in the Era of Global Terrorism, Steve Tsang (ed.), Westport, CT: Praeger Security International, pp. 121- 131. ISBN: 0-275-99251-9. (co-author George Maior);
  • 2002, Corporatist Features and Security Sector Reform in Democratizing Countries: A Cross-Regional Analysis” in Globalization of Civil-Military Relations: Democratization, Reform, and Security, George C. Maior and Larry Watts (eds.), Bucharest, Ed. Enciclopedică, pp. 211-239. ISBN: 973-450-426-6.

Published Research Papers:

  • 2006, Domestic Sources of Post-Communist Foreign Policy: An Institutional Analysis of Hungary and Romania 1990-2000, Argentine Center for International Studies (CAEI), CIS and Baltic Countries Program, Buenos Aires, no. 16, 32p.

Articles and Book Rewievs (selected):

  • 2005, How Democratic is the European Union?, Sfera Politicii, vol. 114, pp. 19-24.
  • 2004, The European Security and Defence Policy from the Strategic Theory Perspective. A Skeptical View, Sfera Politicii, vol. 113, pp. 47-55
  • 2002, From Hardware to Software Reforms in Romania’s Civil-Military Relations. The Policies of Personnel Management, Baltic Defense Review, 2(8), pp. 103-123. (co-author George Maior);
  • 2002, Journal of Slavic Military Studies. 15(2) June. Review for Kenneth R. Rizer. 2000. Military Resistance to Humanitarian War in Kosovo and Beyond. Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama: Air University Press. Peer-reviewed.
  • 1999-2000, The Financial Newspaper, comments regarding international affairs.

Papers presented during International Conferences (selected):

  • The Closing and Un-Closing of Imperial Frontiers: Habsburg and Tsarist Military Frontier Policies in South Eastern Europe, 1762-1848, 12th Finnish Colloquium of South-East European Studies, Helsinki, November 17-18 th,  2011.
  • Statehood as Lucrative Business. A Comparative Assessment of the Balkans and the Black Sea Regions, 11th Finnish Colloquium of South-East European Studies, Turku, October 2010.
  • Resilience and Loyalties in Multinational Coalitions Advanced Research Seminar on Leadership Models, Organizer – UK Defence Academy, Vilnius, Lithuania, October 2004.