South-Eastern Europe Brigade (SEEBRIG) - formation established by seven participating nations in order to contribute to the regional security and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area

General Information


(1) Article III of the MPFSEE Agreement stipulates “SEEBRIG will be available for possible employment in UN or OSCE – mandated, NATO- or EU- led conflict prevention and other peace support operations”, except peace enforcement operations. The deployment issue is placed on the top of the priority list of member nations.

(2) In the regard, on the 1st May 2001 the Brigade was declared by the Chairman of the PMSC operationally ready for UN, OSCE, EU and NATO led PSO. The initial SEEBRIG Force offer was forwarded to SHAPE (NATO) in November 2002. In April 2003, PMSC declared SEEBRIG ready to participate in a Peace Support Operation under NATO Command.

(3) A NATO team from JFC Naples was assigned by SHAPE to evaluate and certificate HQ SEEBRIG. From September 2003 to March 2004 there were negotiated and agreed criteria and evaluation program.

Steps of NATO evaluation

– Initial Operational Capability (IOC) Evaluation

– Full Operational Capability (FOC) Evaluation

(4) SEEBRIG also conducts its own Unit Evaluation Program to identify and maintain overall PSO capability of SEEBRIG units. The frequency of evaluations is to evaluate each eligible units every second year.  The starting point for calculating the 2-year cycle evaluations is the date of taking over the SEEBRIG command by its new commander. An effort to integrate the evaluations to all allocated units within the first ten months of COMSEEBRIG’s assignment is to be undertaken from all sides.

SEEBRIG Unit Evaluation Concept:

– Evaluation criteria are based on the current SEEBRIG Directives, SOPs and GCOPs.

– When the Evaluation Team arrives, the unit is to be prepared to demonstrate its ability to achieve PSO capability in accordance with above-mentioned documents.

– Units will be evaluated in the following areas: Organization, Personnel, Operations/Training, Equipment. Logistics, Communications, Medical.