South-Eastern Europe Brigade (SEEBRIG) - formation established by seven participating nations in order to contribute to the regional security and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area

Olympus hiking for SEEBRIG personnel Na3, 7-8 Sep 2018

 On 8th September 2018, SEEBRIG HQ personnel climbed on mountain Olympus. They spent the previous night at the Na 3 Military Ski Training Centre’s guesthouses and they were escorted by one officer and an NCO during their hiking activity on the next day.

   The main purposes of this activity were physical training as well as team building, restoring physical and mental energy and improving stamina. All participants had the opportunity to enjoy the environment of mountain Olympus and to get closer in their relationship, while reaching the highest peak in Na 3. Moreover, this activity offered new perspectives, drained stress and restored vitality of the SEEBRIG HQ personnel.