South-Eastern Europe Brigade (SEEBRIG) - formation established by seven participating nations in order to contribute to the regional security and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area

Participation of SEEBRIG personnel to Exercise VALIANT LEDA 2021 BST II organised by NRDC- ESP, Valencia – Spain, 20-30 September 2021

Exercise VALIANT LEDA 2021 Battle Staff Training II was conducted between 20th to 30th of September 2021 at the training facilities of Betera Military Camp in Valencia. SEEBRIG HQ supported this training event with 2 officers, LTC Emrah IBIS – CG3 and MAJ Stergios THEOCHARIS – G3 TRG.

NRDC – ESP will be evaluated and certified as a Warfighting Corps Headquarters, for its mission as stand-by WFC HQ in 2022. The aim of this activity was to use the Decision Support Matrix, train Battle Rhythm, train core processes, complete scenario knowledge, augmentees intergration and prepare for STEADFAST LEDA 2021

This activity provided a good opportunity for SEEBRIG to increase its visibility among NATO community and to enhance the mutual trust and collaboration in common future training activities and exercises between NRDC – ESP and SEEBRIG.