South-Eastern Europe Brigade (SEEBRIG) - formation established by seven participating nations in order to contribute to the regional security and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area
Visit of the students from Na.2 National Defense College to SEEBRIG HQ, 31 May 2024, Kumanovo, Na-5
On the 31st of May 2024, a group of students from Na.2 National Defense College payed a visit to SEEBRIG HQ in Camp “Boro Menkov”, Kumanovo, where they were welcomed by SEEBRIG Commander BG Bilbil BITRI and SEEBRIG HQ senior staff.
The guests were briefed on SEEBRIG’s history, mission, structure, capabilities, training activities, opportunities and challenges and future perspectives. The discussion that followed was very fruitful and contributed to enhance the understanding of what SEEBRIG is and stands for as well it laid down the directions to take to further increase SEEBRIG visibility and possible actions to increase SEEBRIG’s involvement in training activities with NATO entities and member nations.
At the end of the meeting the representative of Na.2 National Defense College thanked COMSEEBRIG for the warm reception and expressed their interest in enlarging the cooperation between their nation and SEEBRIG HQ.