South-Eastern Europe Brigade (SEEBRIG) - formation established by seven participating nations in order to contribute to the regional security and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area

Delegation from SEEBRIG HQ headed by COMSEEBRIG, BG Bilbil BITRI visited JFC Naples

SEEBRIG HQ and affiliated units train and prepare to contribute in Pease Support Operations.
Following the current security environment changes and challenges the interaction and cooperation with NATO structures,  is important to increase awareness and be better prepared for future engagements.
In the frame of interaction a SEEBRIG delegation, headed by BG Bilbil BITRI visited JFC Naples, where it was welcomed by JFC Naples COS Lieutenant General Vasco Angelotti. BG Bitri  introduced SEEBRIG for what we it stands for and the vision for future approach of SEEBRIG toward NATO.
During the visit in Naples, SEEBRIG team members were briefed on the JFC Naples mission, strategic communication, training and exercise planning and execution, followed by discussions and exchanges focused on future cooperation, which will contribute to  enhance SEEBRIG HQ readiness and capabilities.
In different meetings with JFCN DCOS – Plans MG John Mead and   DCOS – Operations Rear Admiral Jean Emmanuel Roux de Luze,  focus of the discussion was on ways to improve the level of interaction with JFCN and possibilities for SEEBRIG to contribute to NATO led operations in the future.