South-Eastern Europe Brigade (SEEBRIG) - formation established by seven participating nations in order to contribute to the regional security and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area

The 52nd Politico-Military Steering Committee (PMSC) Meetings and 51st South-Eastern Europe Defense Ministerial Coordination Committee (SEDM-CC)

Strengthening regional security and cooperation and increasing the relevance of SEEBRIG remains the focus of South-Eastern Europe Defense Ministerial process.

The 52th Politico-Military Steering Committee of the Multinational Peace Force South-Eastern Europe (PMSC/MPFSEE) and 51th South-Eastern Europe Defense Ministerial Coordination Committee (SEDM-CC) Meeting took place on 25 – 26 September 2024, in the beautiful city of Constanta, Romania.

At the beginning, COMSEEBRIG BG Bilbil BITRI, once again extended the gratitude and thanked the SEDM nations for their presence in the SEEBRIG’s 25th anniversary. In particular BG. Bitri was thankful to SEEBRIG contributing Nations for the presence of the military personnel from the affiliated units and former SEEBRIG commanders.

SEEBRIG Commander presented a comprehensive update of the activities since the last PMSC meeting, particularly emphasizing the activities which have contributed to the increase of visibility, interaction, readiness, and planning for the “Seven Stars” exercise, taking place 02-11 April 2025.

Following the agenda of the meeting, COMSEEBRIG presented main SEEBRIG objectives for 2025, proposed the Annual Plan designed and intended to support the objectives, and the draft-budget required to support the Annual Plan. Both, the draft-Annual Plan and draft-budget were endorsed by the Nations and will be subject for approval by Ministers of Defense.

The venue of the meeting offered a good opportunity for COMSEEBRIG and his team to discuss also on the challenges that require not only the commitment of the SEEBRIG HQ NS but also attention and support of the contributing Nations.

This meeting once again confirmed the common commitment to addressing these challenges collaboratively.